
Live life to the full

‘Before We Grow Old’ – Clare Swatman


Before We Grow Old

Some people are just made for each other…

When seven-year-old Fran first met Will they knew instantly that they were made for each other. For eleven years they were inseparable, but then, at the age of eighteen, Will just upped and disappeared.

Twenty-five years later Will is back.

Is fate trying to give them a second chance?

Still nursing the heart break from all those years ago, Fran is reluctant to give Will the time of day. The price Will must pay is to tell the truth – the truth about why he left, the truth about why he’s back…

And Fran has her own secrets to hide. The time has come to decide what Fran and Will really want from life – before it’s too late.

This was a lovely little story that focuses on what is important in life and making sure you take every opportunity. It is incredibly sad and the ending made my eyes water. Despite being such a gloomy subject matter, you cannot ignore the love that also radiates from the pages.

I have read similar books to this one in the past and I found Fran and Will’s check list slightly restrictive to the plot. I wanted there to be more adventure but enjoyed it when the story moved to Cornwall for a while. The reconnection of Fran and Will after their separation was really heart-warming and I liked how the writer moved back to the past so readers get an understanding of everything this pair have been through.

It is an intense read and when the story moves to the past, I found it made the present even more poignant. You cannot help but sympathise with Will as he tries to make his mistakes right again but Will is no the only guilty party. Swatman’s revelations about Fran shows that she is an equal to past regrets. She finds herself in situations where to is forced to admit her actions and some of these were surprising plot developments. However, I found they just added to the building emotions of the overall story.

Despite the undercurrent of sadness, Swatman breaks this up with entertaining scenes, such as the Krispy Kremes moment and at the restaurant. These were well-needed and added some light relief to a story that encourages its readers to evaluate their own life choices and ensure every moment is lived to the full. I also liked seeing how Will and Fran’s families come together: a unity that is especially needed towards the end of the story.

Whilst you do need to have the tissues to hand, I enjoyed this wholesome read about separated teenage sweethearts and the developments that have happened to each character in between their reunion.

With thanks to Boldwood books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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