
Ready, set, bake!

‘The Great Christmas Cook Off’ – Helen Buckley


The Great Christmas Cook Off

It’s the festive showdown to end all festive showdowns …

“Queen of Chocolate” Beatrice Wodehouse, known for her decadent desserts, is ready to go head to head with her social media nemesis, clean lean baking machine Charlie Simmonds, in the Great Christmas Cook Off TV show.

Beatrice is fed up of Charlie’s sanctimonious attitude and is ready to show him that food is there to be enjoyed. Surely she’ll blow his keto, low sugar, low-carb mince pies out of the water with her chocolatey creations?

Except filming for the Cook Off turns out to be anything but sugar, spice and all things nice when the contestants realise there’s a festive saboteur in their midst – leading to melted ice cream, trifle mishaps and private stories leaked to the press.

As the countdown to the final commences, suspicions run high and sparks are bound to fly – and not just from the flaming Christmas puddings!

I have enjoyed all books I have read by Buckley, but this has to be my favourite by far. Christmas, baking and romance, what more could a girl ask for?!

I love how the writer is able to base a sweet romance story on a well-known television show and this one was no exception. With famous bakers competing in a Christmas series, Beatrice comes face-to-face with her long-term enemy: Charlie. Gradually, readers learn why the two are constantly at loggerheads but little do the characters realise that they actually have quite a few things in common. From emotional backgrounds and unhappiness to a love of baking, you would think this would be a recipe for love. However, whilst Beatrice is known as the ‘Queen of Chocolate’, Charlie is the antithesis: baking healthy, guilt-free treats. It’s this that forms the basis of their constant arguing, so you know that when they are competing for the title on the Cook Off show, it’s not going to be without any showdowns.

Yet, alongside this conflict is also the saboteur of the television show. Buckley details each of the rounds of the cooking competition and I really enjoyed reading about these – it felt like I was watching the actual program. At each round of the competition, someone seems to have made an amateur mistake. Eventually the bakers reach the conclusion that someone is deliberately ruining a contestant’s work, ensuring they leave the competition. But, who has such a nasty vendetta to ruin a harmless competition? Naturally, Charlie and Beatrice suspect one another. Will they ever be friends?

This read was as indulgent as Beatrice’s bakes – I wish her creations were available to buy, because they sounded so divine! I could vividly picture the setting as Beatrice and her competitors work hard at every round and, whilst I was able to predict the plot outcome very early in the novel, it definitely did not lessen my enjoyment of the book. Instead, I just felt absorbed by baking, chocolate and romance – a perfect combination.

Although this is set at Christmas, the focus is more on the baking competition; I really think you could read this book at any time of the year! It is a part of a series but can be read on its own. However, I loved seeing characters from previous novels appear in the story, especially in the final chapter. I really hope that there are more television shows-come-novels in the pipeline from Buckley.

Another cracking success from the writer. If you like romance and have a sweet tooth, this will have you reaching for the butter, eggs and sugar in no time!

With thanks to ChocLit for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Women's fiction

From rags to riches and romance

‘Keeping Up with the Kershaws’ – Helen Buckley


Keeping Up with the Kershaws

What do you do when your life becomes more dramatic than reality TV?

As the devoted carer for famous antique expert Harold Kershaw, Karrie Morgan was always happy to keep a professional distance from his four spoilt grown-up children, who rarely made time for their father. But then a surprise involving Harold’s Will means Karrie is flung headlong into a press scandal, and into the chaotic world of the surviving Kershaws.

With the support of her trusted childhood friend Andrew, mild-mannered Karrie must face down ruthless ice queen Portia, master manipulator Gabriel, Botox fanatic Arabella, and ladies’ man Rafe, star of reality TV show Raised in Richmond … although perhaps not as fake and flashy as he initially seems?

As vicious rumours circulate and Karrie’s past comes back to haunt her, she struggles to know who to trust. Can she keep up with the Kershaws’ schemes?

I enjoyed this book from Buckley and it very much follows the same trend as her other reads – at the moment I don’t find this too repetitive! Instead, this was a laid-back, chilled read and gave me a well-needed break from some of the intense thrillers I have read recently.

This time we follow Karrie, who as a carer to recently deceased Harold, receives a surprising inheritance: the entire Kershaw fortune. Leaving his grown children high and dry, the story shows how far the spoiled siblings are prepared to go to ensure Karrie does not receive a penny. However, even when Rafe is sent to earn Karrie’s trust and influence the estate, no one could foresee a blossoming romance on the horizon. Add in Karrie’s life-long friend, Andrew, who has returned to help Karrie sift through the mountains of paperwork, it soon becomes clear there is a love triangle forming and for most of the book, I simply could not foresee how this would be resolved.

This is one of the key reasons why I enjoyed the book so much: I liked that Buckley made it ambiguous as to where Karrie’s heart would go. Furthermore, I was keen to see how the Kershaw children would behave, thinking them to be rather cunning and manipulative. Right until the very end, I was unable to predict how Karrie would finally act, making this a far more interesting and less predictable read.

I think this book was missing more presence from the Kershaw children and the relationship between Karrie and Rafe could have been developed further. Whilst this would have ‘broke the mould’ for Buckley’s writing style, I think it would have worked if the siblings had more attention and their feisty ways explored in the story. I think I wanted to see the spoiled siblings and their efforts to thwart the final will and testament; I wanted to see just how far they would go to ensure they had their father’s inheritance. Instead, the focus was a little bit too much on Karrie and not enough on the Kershaws themselves where their scheming would challenge the ‘inheritance imposter’.

Based on how the story finished, it is clear there is more to come from this ‘Spotlight’ series. They can certainly be read as stand-alone and I would highly recommend these books for some light escapism. For me, I am keen to see what Rafe does next and am sure the link to a reality television show will make for some more entertaining reading.

With thanks to ChocLit for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Women's fiction

Snowy celebrity survival

‘Celebrity SOS: Love Survives’ – Helen Buckley


Celebrity SOS

I’m a celebrity … trying to escape the past!

When Katerina Murphy agrees to take part in Celebrity SOS, a reality TV show where celebrities have to fend for themselves in the Alaskan wilderness, she’s up for the challenge. But then she locks eyes with fellow contestant Finn Drayson of 1Dream boy band fame and realises that the show is going to push her further from her comfort zone than she ever imagined.

After all, Finn wasn’t just Katerina’s co-star in the school play adaptation of Breakfast at Tiffany’s where she discovered her acting confidence, he was also her first love – and the first boy to break her heart. Even years later, the secret kisses and shared packets of crisps on park benches are never far from her mind.

Will award-winning actress Katerina Murphy’s talents stretch to staying composed in the face of Arctic winds and blasts from the past?

With another Buckley novel of the ‘Spotlight’ series out soon, I thought it only best to crack on with the second book that I have yet to read. This book does not disappoint and it certainly one you can read without any knowledge of the other stories. (And I am proof of this, having read this series completely out of order!)

Like the other books, this turns a known television program into a romance story and this time it is the turn of the famous Australian outback show of I’m a Celebrity… But, as Buckley does best, she twists this theme into something new; in this case, the celebrities are having to survive the harsh and snowy climes of Alaska. Ditch the bikinis and tans, we are in for a snowy ride and plenty of layers are required – it’s a perfect read for the chilly winter months!

Not all of the book is about the television show. True, readers are immersed in the bubble of the survival program and I felt as isolated as the celebrities taking part. No indication is given about how the participants are being received by the public and I found myself yearning to see where the support swayed after the different days on the show. However, Buckley makes it clear that this is just the start of the main story, where we see Katerina and Finn’s relationship face new struggles and challenges.

The narrative is initially divided into present day and when Katerina and Finn were growing up, detailing their fledging relationship and revealing the history between the two characters. After the Alaskan adventure, the two don’t cut off their connection and further difficulties show that Katerina and Finn are not going to get an easy ride. Coupled with the fact that there is a lot of fall-out from the reality program, both celebrities see their lives change and push them further apart.

I found this novel unpredictable at key moments. Whilst I could foresee how the story would eventually close, I thought Buckley’s plot development was fresh and interesting. Yes, this is a sweet romance story, but love does not come easily for the two protagonists. Furthermore, I liked the flashbacks to add further detail to Katerina and Finn, as well as the fact that the Alaskan wilderness does not dominate the narrative. Constantly switching between the two characters meant that you got a true connection with both Katerina and Finn, and I liked seeing how their feelings altered over the story.

I have enjoyed Buckley’s writing so far and am looking forward to the new release coming soon. This is a gentle, sweet romance story that you can easily relax in to. Not being very long, this is perfect for a bit of escapism with guaranteed love, challenges, and even a bear along the way!

With thanks to ChocLit for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Women's fiction

Goodwill to all

‘Strictly Christmas Spirit’ – Helen Buckley


Strictly Christmas Spirit

From disco balls to Christmas baubles …

Ex-dancer Emily Williams turned her back on the sparkle of popular dancing show Strictly Dancing with Celebs to help those in need. Now the only dancing she does is teaching lonely pensioners to waltz, and the closest she gets to disco balls is making baubles with the homeless people in her Christmas crafts class.

She’s certainly not star-struck when Hollywood heart-throb Blake Harris is sent to her at short notice for community service, and has no desire to babysit the arrogant actor with his bad boy antics and selfish ways. Christmas might be a time for miracles, but Blake seems to be a lost cause.

But Emily’s reasons for abandoning her dancing passion means she understands the Hollywood wild child more than she’d like to admit. Could their time together, coupled with a dash of Christmas spirit, lead to a miracle change of heart for them both?

Despite missing the second book of this ‘Spotlight’ series, these books are stand-alones with different characters. I was looking forward to reading this book because it has two favourite things: Strictly and Christmas! It’s the expected combination and this read is perfect for snuggling down during the festive season.

Whilst the first book of the series combined an ice-skating show with romance, this time I found the dancing element to take more of a back-seat to this narrative. The Prologue introduces Emily at a pivotal moment in the televised dancing contest. Yet, the remainder of the novel is several years later when she is working at a London community centre. Straight away readers can see how down-trodden Emily is with the responsibility of running the centre: meeting administration needs, managing the budget and, most importantly, being there for the local community and the service users. It’s a difficult role to juggle and I very quickly sympathised with Emily over the hurdles she has to avoid on a daily basis. 

With the arrival of Blake on community service, it is evident that Emily feels an element of babysitting is required. Blake does not present himself at all well: smug, selfish and lacking contrition. After all, the only reason he is at the centre is due to his community service sentence; he does not care about those who frequent the place and is simply serving his time.

Strictly Christmas Spirit

As you would expect, this attitude evolves over the novel. Emily’s example of her selfless behaviour is gradually absorbed by Blake and I liked watching his character transform. In just a short period of time, Blake comes to realise the importance of the centre and how the community rely on the services provided. It’s eye-opening for Blake and actually, quite opening for myself as well.

This is what made this book extra special. Yes, there is plenty of tinsel, decorations and Christmas songs, but Buckley also reminds readers of those who are less fortunate, struggling at all times of the year. The insight that Buckley provides in this narrative goes to show how important these services are; budget cuts makes staffing and resources even more strained and the role of Emily and her team is paramount to avoid tragedies. The different characters that Blake encounters all have strained backgrounds and I think Buckley’s personal experiences in this area really makes the service centre more vivid. The importance of goodwill at this time of year is always promoted, but I think Buckley wants her readers to remember that this should not just happen at Christmas.

Romance does not dominate this narrative; it is more of a feel-good story with a happy ending. The community centre has plenty of happy endings for the people that use it and I liked how the story finished with lots of smiles – just what you need for a Christmas read! Whilst I was keen to see Emily and Blake’s relationship develop further, I also enjoyed watching the characters support each other and show that Christmas is not just about presents and turkey.

This was a well-written story that made me remember how lucky I am. It was a sweet, warming story with likeable characters and a satisfying ending. It is perfect for a Christmas read and I particularly enjoyed reading about Rocky, the entertaining parrot!

Author bio:

Ever since I was little I wanted to be a writer, to turn daydreams into books. Strictly Signing contract photo further cropI’m fascinated by fame, in love with Happy Ever Afters, and enthralled by slow-burn romances. I squeeze in time to write around looking after my two sons. 

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With thanks to Choc Lit and Rachel’s Random Resources for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Women's fiction

Just like ‘Dancing on Ice’

‘Strictly on Ice’ – Helen Buckley


Strictly on Ice

When falling in love comes with the risk of falling flat on your face …

Former Olympic skating champion Katie Saunders is well known for her ‘ice queen’ persona in the press. On the face of it, perhaps Katie should have forgiven her former skating partner and ex-boyfriend, Alex Michaelson, for the accident that shattered both her ankle and their Olympic dreams – but she just can’t seem to let it go.

When Katie reluctantly agrees to take part in a new TV skating show, it’s only because she’s desperate for cash. What she didn’t count on is the drama – not only is she partnered up with infamous love rat rugby player Jamie Welsh, but one of the judges is none other than Alex Michaelson himself.

As the show progresses, will Katie be shown the hard way, once again, that romance on the ice should remain strictly off-limits?

If you are a fan of the television program, ‘Dancing on Ice’, then this will be a solid book-match for you! Just like the program, this book follows the televised competition, except this time the pairings are between sports personalities and the professional.

At first, I thought this book would be a sweet, romance story. However, Buckley offers a darker narrative and I think this made the story more enjoyable for me. Gone is the innocence of skating and (inevitably) falling in love, to be replaced by hidden behaviours and past secrets. Buckley has structured the narrative so that the first half of each chapter is in present day; the latter half switches to the past of both Katie and Jamie. It is here that we learn the truth behind these stars’ downfall and what made them lose favour with the public.

As I learned more about Katie’s past, her behaviour became more understandable. I sympathised with her throughout the story but did struggle to believe that she was only 23 years of age. In my opinion, Katie comes across as a lot older – it is like she has an old head on a young body. This is especially the case considering how much she has experienced at such a young age. I think her character would have worked if she was slightly more older; I think this also would add to the connection she establishes with Jamie during their training.

Strictly On Ice

What I liked about this story was the fact that it was not solely about the ice skating competition. True, these scenes feature as the driving part of the narrative. but Buckley also focuses on the characters in the competition. I was particularly fascinated by the “behind the scenes” elements when we are witness to production and their driving to have ratings gold. The manipulation of the media and public interest was really shrewd and I was interested to see how production would cope after bombshell revelations.

I guess this book could be turned into a series to follow the next series of the ice skating program?! The novel concludes really well and finishes on a note of optimism for the future. It was lovely to see the change that Katie undergoes through the novel and I think the supporting cast of characters add to this sweet message. Both Katie and Jamie are strong protagonists and, whilst some elements of the story were a bit obvious, I was generally surprised by the direction that the narrative took. An enjoyable read.

Author bio:

Helen Buckley lives in Bedfordshire with her husband and two sons. Strictly Signing contract photo further cropAfter working in the charity sector in the UK and abroad, she turned her hand to writing and her first novel, Star in the Shadows, was published in 2019.

She writes any moment that she can, enthralled by stories of fame, romance, and happy ever afters. Apart from being addicted to writing and enjoying soft play with her sons, she’s an avid reader, action-movie fan, and chocolate addict.

Follow Helen on social media to find out more about her work or to get in touch:

Twitter: @HelenCBuckley

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With thanks to ChocLit and Rachel’s Random Resources for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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